Important Background Information

Background on Dr. Ahmed Monis' fake Egyptian treatment/device C-Fast/CCD and Dr. Mohamed Fatouh and his Complaint
Background on Dr. Ahmed Monis' fake Egyptian treatment/device C-Fast/CCD
and Dr. Mohamed Fatouh and his Complaint

Friday, April 8, 2016

Egyptian Medical Syndicate Statement on the KoftaGate Fake Military-announced HIV AIDS Device Perpetrators

1 Feb 2015

Egyptian Medical Syndicate Statement on the #KoftaGate Fake HIV AIDS CCD C-Fast Device Cure
The Egyptian Medical Syndicate demands whoever has been involved in the campaigning or promotion attempts for the device that has been alleged of being capable of curing Hepatitis C Virus (HCV); to announce a clear apology to the Egyptian people.

The scientific hypothesis of how this device works has never been through the required steps obligatory to any scientific research, which start with lab experiments, experiments on animals, and, if succeeded, go for clinical trials on volunteer patients; before the announcement of any results in conferences to discuss effectiveness versus risks; and finally, when effectiveness is irrefutable, announcement of the new cure takes place through media, to the public and patients.

Sadly, the announcement launched for the device as a new way of treatment, without any enforcement of the mandatory scientific research steps and ethics; some of the members of the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Department, numerous media figures, and some physicians have been involved in its promotion. That resulted in numerous patients of Hepatitis C Virus abandoning treatment with interferon - known of extreme fatigue effect on patients - thus suffered a relapse in their overall health status; as they have been deceived to believe in a new, fast, magical and non-fatigue-causing treatment.

Hence, The Egyptian Medical Syndicate demands all entities who have been involved in the campaigning and promotion for this device, that has never been through the mandatory steps of scientific research; to announce apology to the Egyptian people.

The Egyptian Medical Syndicate declares that it has already started the procedures of disciplinary interrogation of the physicians involved in this crime, and is looking into the needed procedures of the legal prosecution of everyone took part in the crime of misleading the Egyptian People.

Egyptian Medical Syndicate

Unofficial English translation of the statement of Egyptian Medical Syndicate on KoftaGate‬ fake device perpetrators:
Arabic from official website:

نقابة الأطباء تطالب بالإعتذار للشعب المصرى
البيان الرسمي لنقابة أطباء مصر حول المتورطين في جريمة جهاز الكفتة

2015-02-01 00:00:00

تطالب نقابة أطباء مصر ، كل من قام بمحاولات دعاية أو الترويج للجهاز الذى تم الادعاء أنه جهاز قادر على علاج فيروس ( C ) بتقديم اعتذار واضح للشعب المصرى .

ذلك أن الافتراضات العلمية لكيفية عمل هذا الجهاز ، لم تمر بالمراحل الضرورية التى يستلزمها أى بحث علمى ، والتى تبدأ بالتجارب المعملية ، ثم التجارب على الحيوانات ، وفى حالة النجاح تنتقل للتجارب على متطوعين من المرضى ، قبل أن يتم الإعلان عن أى نتائج فى مؤتمرات لمناقشة الفاعلية فى مقابل المخاطر وأخيراً وفى حالة ثبوت الفاعلية ، يتم الإعلان عن أسلوب العلاج الجديد فى وسائل الإعلام ، للجمهور والمرضى .

لكن للأسف ، تم الإعلان عن الجهاز كأسلوب علاج جديد دون أن يكون هناك أى إلتزام بخطوات وأخلاقيات البحث العلمى الضرورية ، وقام بالترويج له بعض المنتمين للهيئة الهندسية بالقوات المسلحة والعديد من الإعلاميين وبعض الأطباء ، مما أدى لترك العديد من مرضى الإلتهاب الكبدى الفيروسى لعلاجهم بعقار الانترفيرون المعروف بإجهاده الشديد للمرضى ، وانتكاس حالتهم الصحية ، حيث ضللوا بالاعتقاد فى علاج جديد سريع وساحر وغير مجهد .

لذلك فنقابة الأطباء تطالب كل الجهات التى قامت بالدعاية والترويج لهذا الجهاز الذى لم يمر بخطوات البحث العلمى الضرورية بتقديم الاعتذار للشعب المصرى .

وتوضح نقابة الأطباء أنها بدأت بالفعل إجراءات المسائلة التأديبية للأطباء المشاركين فى هذه الجريمة ، وأنها تبحث الإجراءات اللازمة للمحاسبة القانونية لكل من شارك فى جريمة تضليل الشعب المصرى

النقابة العامة للأطباء

Protest organized by the Egyptian Medical Syndicate Feb 3rd 2015
against the official negligence and no prosecution of the criminal doctors

Egyptian Medical Syndicate Protest Feb 3rd 2015 against the official no prosecution of the criminal doctors of KoftaGate

Egyptian Medical Syndicate Protest Feb 3rd 2015 against the official no prosecution of the criminal doctors of KoftaGate

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Egypt Forensic Authority Fired for Expressing Medical Opinion on a TV Show!

From New York Times:
Egypt’s Medical Forensics Authority on Tuesday  dismissed its spokesman after he said last week that a poet and activist killed by police birdshot had died from her wounds only because she was too thin. State news media reported Tuesday that the Justice Ministry was opening an investigation to determine whether or not it was true that more body fat might have obstructed the pellets that pierced her heart and lungs, the injuries that coroners said had caused her death. The poet and activist, Shaimaa el-Sabbagh, 31, was taking part in a march to lay flowers in Tahrir Square on Jan. 24 when the police fired birdshot and tear gas from a few yards away. Prosecutors charged a police officer with a form of manslaughter in the shooting but have not named the officer. The spokesman for the medical examiner, Hisham Abdel Hamid, said in a television interview on Saturday that other marchers that day survived similar blasts of birdshot but that Ms. Sabbagh died because she was “too skinny.”

Daily News Egypt

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dr. Mohamed Fatouh Anti-Fake-Device Trial Timeline (updates frequently)

Dr. Mohamed Fatouh Trial Timeline

30 June 2014
Dr. Mohamed Fatouh started the battle against KoftaGate device by presented a request to the Egyptian Medical Syndicate to interrogate the physicians involved in the crime, before the Professional Discipline Committee of the syndicate. (documents)

Dr. Ahmed Monis reacted with a slander-libel lawsuit against Dr. Mohamed Fatouh

First court hearing date set to:
16 Dec 2014

postponed to 16 Dec 2014
(demanding prison and huge fine of $6000)

on 16 Dec court:

Trial decision postponed to 30 Dec 2014

on 30 Dec court:
Trial decision postponed to 27 Jan 2015

on  27 Jan 2015
Trial decision was: EGP 20,000 ($2500)
(1st-degree-court decision) Article

An appeal presented to the court of appeals.

Decision court hearing on the appeal set to: 28 March 2015

28 March 2015
Trial decision postponed to 11 April 2015 for deciding on the appeal

last court date to follow:  11 April 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Egyptian Medical Syndicate confirms Non-Exclusion of any physician in virus cure device interrogations

The Egyptian Medical Syndicate confirms Non-Exclusion of any physician in virus cure device interrogations

The Egyptian Medical Syndicate confirms Non-Exclusion of any physician in CCD - C-Fast Hepatitis C - HIV fake virus cure device interrogations
4 April 2015

The Egyptian Medical Syndicate confirms the falsehood of the news published on Almasry Alyoum newspaper website concerning the exclusion of one of the physicians forwarded to interrogation by the Syndicate regarding the promotion for the (virus cure) device, before having this device passing the required research steps, for any new scientific idea; which the Syndicate considered disrespect to the scientific research ethics, and the Egyptian citizen and his mind, especially that this promotion resulted in numerous patients of Hepatitis C Virus abandoned treatment with their current treatment, thus suffered a relapse in their overall health status.

Dr. Rashwan Shaaban, head of the Professional Discipline Committee confirmed the falsehood of what has been published that he has ordered the exclusion of one of the physicians forwarded to interrogation.

The Syndicate hereby is affirming pursuit f the interrogations in an accurate and neutral manner, and assuring non-existence of attempts to pressure on the Syndicate, and that interrogation process is going in a professional fashion, which has a clear and only goal, that is to protect the profession ethics and to protect the Egyptian patient.

Unofficial English translation of the statement of Egyptian Medical Syndicate on KoftaGate‬ fake device perpetrators interrogations:
Arabic from official website:

بيان نقابة أطباء مصر حول عدم استبعاد أي من الأطباء المحالين للتحقيق في جهاز علاج فيروس سي الكبد الوبائي والإيدز - جهاز الكفتة
نقابة الأطباء تؤكد عدم استبعاد أي من الأطباء المحالين للتحقيق في جهاز علاج الفيروسات

2015-04-04 00:00:00

تؤكد نقابة الأطباء ,عدم صدق الخبر المنشور علي موقع جريدة المصري اليوم ,الخاص باستبعاد احد الأطباء المحالين للتحقيق في النقابة بخصوص الترويج لجهاز "علاج الفيروسات" ,قبل مرور هذا الجهاز بأي من الخطوات البحثية الضرورية لأي فكرة علمية جديدة ,مما اعتبرته النقابة عدم احترام لأخلاقيات البحث العلمي, ولصحة المواطن المصري وعقليته ,خصوصا وأن هذا الترويج نتج عنه ترك العديد من مرضي فيروس C لعلاجهم التقليدي ,وانتكاس حالتهم الصحية.

كما أكد د.رشوان شعبان رئيس لجنة آداب المهنة ,عدم صدق ما نسب إليه من إصدار تعليمات باستبعاد احد الأطباء المحالين للتحقيق.

والنقابة تؤكد استمرار التحقيقات بدقة وحيادية ,كما تؤكد عدم وجود أي محاولات للضغط عليها ,وان التحقيقات تجري بشكل مهني هدفه الواضح والوحيد حماية أخلاقيات المهنة وحماية المريض المصري.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

علماء وأطباء مصر ضد جهاز الكفتة Egyptian Scientists & Doctors against fake device

 على مدار شهور..انتفض علماء وأطباء  مصر بكل إحساس بالمسؤولية العلمية والمهنية فور الإعلان  عما يسمى: جهاز الكفتة أو جهاز الكشف عن وعلاج الإيدز والتهاب الكبد الوبائي وأمراض أخرى
الآتية أسماؤهم هم فقط أشهر من انتقدوا الجهاز علميا ومهنيا، وإن كان هناك غيرهم سنذكرهم في تحديثات أخرى

Over the last two years, hundreds of Egyptian scientists and medical doctors revolted against the virus-defeating fake invention announced by the Egyptian military, here are some of them and their articles in both English and Arabic

د. مصطفى حسين - طبيب حقوقي مصري
Dr. Mostafa Husain

human rights physicianEnglish Articles
article link  - article link-2

د. أحمد زويل - عالم كيمياء وفيزياء مصري
Dr. Ahmed Zewail

Egyptian expat scientist and Nobel laureate

د. عصام حجي - عالم فضاء مصري - وكالة ناسا
Dr. Essam Heggy

Egyptian expat scientist

د. إسلام حسين - عالم فيروسات مصري
Dr. Islam Hussain

Egyptian expat scientist and virologist
article link

د. محمد فتوح -  طبيب حقوقي وعضو مسؤول بمجلس نقابة أطباء القاهرة
Dr. Mohamed Fatouh,
human rights physician, elected member of Egyptian Medical Syndicate
رابط المقال

د. منى مينا - طبيبة حقوقية - أمين عام نقابة أطباء مصر
Dr. Mona Mena, human rights physician, Head of
Egyptian Medical Syndicate
رابط المقال  - رابط المقال2

 د. باسم يوسف - طبيب جراح ومقدم برامج شهير مصري
Dr. Bassem Youssef
Egyptian Surgeon and satir TV presenter

English Articles
article link

نقابة أطباء المصرية
Egyptian Medical Syndicate
رابط البيان الأول
رابط البيان الثاني

أ.د. علاء عوض أستاذ الكبد في معهد تيودر بلهارس
Prof. Dr. Alaa Awad
Liver Professor

رابط المقال

د. محمد مقبل
Dr. Mohamed Moqbel
رابط المقال

د. سالي توما - طبيبة حقوقية

Dr. Sally TomaDr. Sally Toma, human rights physician
English Articles

أكثر من 300 طبيب مصري وقعوا طلبا لنقابة الأطباء المحاسبة والمقاضاة القانونية ضد مرتكبي جريمة جهاز الكفتة
More then 300 Egyptian medical doctor signed the petition to Medical Syndicate to interrogate and legally prosecute KoftaGate criminals
رابط الخبر


رابط المطالبة

English Articles

لجميع المقالات التي تناولت جريمة جهاز الكفتة اضغط هنا
For all articles about the KoftaGate crime, press here

Monday, December 22, 2014

Background on the fake HIV/HCV device (C-Fast/CCD Complete Cure) and Dr. Mohamed Fatouh

Background on Dr. Ahmed Monis' fake Egyptian treatment/device C-Fast/CCD and Dr. Mohamed Fatouh and his Complaint
Background on Dr. Ahmed Monis' fake Egyptian treatment/device C-Fast/CCD
and Dr. Mohamed Fatouh and his Complaint

For background on the fake treatment/device:

Newly Added (7 Apr 2015)  :
  1. Egyptian Medical Syndicate: Statement on the interrogation of the perpetrators involved in military-announced #KoftaGate Fake HIV AIDS CCD C-Fast Device Cure
  2. Egyptian Medical Syndicate:  Statement confirming Non-Exclusion of any physician in virus cure device interrogations
  3. Testimony confirming the exclusion of the main interrogated perpetrator, Dr. Ahmed Monis (military-backed) from interrogations:
    - Almasry Alyoum Newspaper (Arabic) Article - 1, Article-2
    - Dr. Mohamed Fatouh (Arabic)
  4. Deutsche Welle (Arabic): Dr. Bassem Youssef on the military device: The biggest scientific scandal in Egypt history
  5. Huffington Post: Top Egyptian Comedian Slams Military For Saying It Can 'Cure' AIDS And Hepatitis C
  6. Trial of Dr. Mohamed Fatouh postponed for 11 April 2015 : Deciding on the appeal on the fine of $2700  (EGP 20,000)
  7. Bustle
 The original list:
  1. Science Mag: Expat virologist takes to YouTube to challenge 'pseudoscience' behind Egyptian devices
  2. NATURE MIDDLE EAST: The false science behind Egyptian army’s AIDS and HCV cure
  3. CNN: Egyptian army's AIDS-cure claim gets harsh criticism
  4. Ahram (Egypt): Claims of cure for HIV, Hepatitis C are a 'scandal': Egypt presidential advisor
  5. Egypt Independent (Egypt):  President orders review of AIDS-detecting device
  6. CairoPost(Egypt): President’s scientific adviser delays return to Egypt
  7. International Business Times: Egyptian Military Ridiculed over 'Cure for Aids'
  8. NYTimes: Disbelief After Egypt Announces Cures for AIDS and Hepatitis C
  9. Bustle: AIDS Cure Found By Egyptian Army, It Insists, So It's A Shame It's Almost Definitely A Scam [Many cross-reference links]
  10. McGill Daily SciTech : The state versus the expert Demarcating scientific authority
  11. Atlantic Council.: The Army’s Miracle Cure: Today’s Joke, Tomorrow’s Tragedy
  12. Egyptian Chronicles (blog): #KoftaGate : Dr. StrangeLove or how We Cured AIDS and HCV “Chapter-1” 
  13.  Egyptian Chronicles (blog): #KoftaGate : Dr. Strangelove or Trust Me I am a Doctor “Chapter-2” {Updated}
  14. Egyptian Chronicles (Egyptian blog) #KoftaGate : Let’s Burn those heretics at the Stake !! “Chapter3”
  15. The New Zealand Herald: Egypt's military delays device that 'cures' Aids amid ridicule
  16. The Telegraph: Egypt army embarrassment after it 'cures' Aids
  17. Mashable: Egypt's 'AIDS Curing Device' May Be A Fake Bomb Detector
  18. The Washington Times: Egypt’s army claims it found cure for AIDS, hepatitis C
  19. Egypt Independent: Forgive us Essam Heggy
  20. The Huffington Post: Top Egyptian Comedian Slams Military For Saying It Can 'Cure' AIDS And Hepatitis C
  21. Arabist: Kofta-Gate [Many cross-reference links]
  22. Pepijn van Erp. (blog): Update on #KoftaGate – Egyptian Miracle Detectors and Cures for Hepatitis C and AIDS  [Many cross-reference links]
  23.  The Quackometer Blog: Egyptian Government Duped by Nonsense HIV Detection Machine
  25. The device international patent
  26. Guardian Liberty Voice: Egypt Army Claims to Have Cured AIDS, Hepatitis C
  27. The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy: Command and Consequence in a Strongman State
  28. NOW News. Mercury Media: No cure for pseudoscienceEgypt’s military “misusing science,” generating “false hopes,” says science writer
  29. Masress (news aggregator & index): Claims of cure for HIV, Hepatitis C are a 'scandal': Egypt presidential advisor
  30. El Balad (Egypt): Egyptian army delays rollout of ‘AIDS detecting machine’
  31. Al-Monitor: Egypt's 'kofta' scandal sign of missing checks, balances
  32. Egypt Independent (Egypt): Egyptian NASA scientist slams media disregard to space landing achievement
  33. Muftah: The Countdown to “Kofta Gate,” Egypt’s So-Called Cure for AIDS  [Many cross-reference links]
  34.  #BBCtrending: Egyptian public sceptical about military’s HIV ‘breakthrough’
  35. BuzzFeed: Why The Miracle Cure Offered To Egyptians With Hepatitis C Isn’t Funny
  36. Vice News: Egyptian Army Mocked for ‘Miracle’ AIDS CureShareTweet
  37. The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy: Koftagate: Dashed Hopes and Wasted Resources
  38. SF Gate: Egypt claims of cure for HIV, Hepatitis C
  39.  Comment Middle East: AIDS, HCV and Kofta The scientific comedy and the social moral tragedy
  40.  The Commentator: Egypt claims miracle cure for HIV and Hepatitis
  41. The Commentator: The big retreat. No Egypt HIV miracle cure after all
  42. Al Arabiya: Egypt’s army claims AIDS-detecting ‘scientific breakthrough’
  43.  Moftasa (blog): Update on the HIV & HCV miracle cure
  44. Moftasa (blog) : CC cures HIV/AIDS [cross-reference links]
For background on Dr. Mohamed Fatouh

  1. Dr. Fatouh Clinic on Facebook
  2. The Middle East Monitor :  Egyptian doctors continue strike, mass resignations
  3. Health Workers Deliver First Aid to Protest Movements
  4. Ahram Online: Tahrir doctors issue urgent appeal for colleagues to head to the square
  5. LA Times: Mosque becomes hospital for protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square
  6. Russia Today: At least 90 injured in Cairo as military close eyes on attack against protesters (PHOTOS)
  7. smke: Organizing a revolution: the Tahrir Doctors’ experience of using social media
  8. For a huge number of articles and reports, please make a google search on the sentence "Tahrir Doctors"
  9. Tahrir Doctors Society (founding member) : Website , Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
  10. Email


For background on Dr. Mohamed Fatouh' complaint

Ccomplete translation of Dr. Fatouh complaint document (The complaint
Dr. Mohamed Fatouh filed in the Egyptian Medical Syndicate Headquarter's Professional Ethics Department against Dr. Monis)


In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

To Prof. Dr.: Head of Egyptian Medical Syndicate of Egypt
To Prof. Dr.: Head of Professional Ethics Department, Egyptian Medical
Syndicate of Egypt

I am presenting this complaint to you to investigate it, against Dr.
Ahmed Monis, Professor of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Ain
Shams University, who is a registered doctor in the syndicate records,
for the following:

1 - He announced that he was part of invention of a device that he
claimed can treat many viral diseases, and conducted media marketing
to the same device in published, visual, and radio media without
reference to of any scientific tools, and known scientific research
procedures in the invention of the device, which resulted in harming
the reputation of Egyptian physicians inside and outside Egypt.

2- He willfully harmed the health of millions of Egyptian patients,
physically and psychologically, through participation in marketing the
device, which resulted in a portion of patients quitting their current
treatment, waiting for this alleged treatment to be available.

I ask you to investigate the causes of this complaint, and apply the
most severe penalties according to the Professional Ethics Regulations
against him if found guilty,to make him an example for anyone thinking
of harming the reputation of Egyptian physicians, or harming the
health of Egyptian patients for personal gains.

With high and due respect,

Presented by
Dr. Mohamed Fatouh Mohamed Awad
Surgery Consultant
Cairo Medical Syndicate Council member
President of Tahrir Doctors Society
Dated: 30/06/2014

For background on Dr. Ahmed Monis attack against Mohamed Fatouh in court

The lawsuit Dr. Ahmed Monis made against Dr. Fatouh for slander
and libel / defamation, concluding that:
- The complaint test contained false attributes to Dr. Monis like: "misleading the public" which is considered insults and defamation to the notable professor.
- Publishing of Dr. Fatouh's complaint on his own facebook wall, saying
under it "we will never have fears anymore, we will clean means we will clean" .. and giving the device the name "kofta device".. are defaming the device
and the professor.
(Kofta are Egyptian Arabic word for grilled bars of meat, the
spokesman of the team Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Atti said in the official

"We will take AIDS from the patient, then made it a Kofta bar, then
give it back to the patient to feed on it"
For more information on the words "kofta" in that context of the device invention, please follow these search results: "kofta device doctor".

For background on Dr. Ahmed Monis 

General Ibrahim Abel Atti and Prof. Doctor Ahmed Monis with the claimed AIDS HIV/HCV Hepatitis deviceAhmed Monis is a  Professor of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, AinShams University
Dr. Ahmed Ali Monis Clinic website & personal information
- Twitter (not verified) :
- Youtube (not verified) :

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Documents: Science and Medicine sent to Court in Egypt

Readers of our blog sent us the following documents from Dr. Mohamed Fatouh friends to publish.

Documents include the complaint Dr. Fatouh filed in the Egyptian Medical Syndicate, and the lawsuit Dr. Ahmed Monis made against Dr. Fatouh, both in Arabic.
While No English translation available for now, we tried to translate the summary of the complaint.

First document:
The complaint Dr. Mohamed Fatouh filed in the Egyptian Medical Syndicate against the misleading practice of Dr. Ahmed Monis and propaganda he made in media for the untested and unverified C-Fast/CCD (Complete Cure Device) that he claimed can treat AIDS HIV, Hepatitis C HCV, and Cancer, and other diseases without any scientific basis. Something Dr. Fatouh saw as misleading and endangering Egyptian patients, and asked the Syndicate to investigate it.

Second document:
The three-page lawsuit Dr. Ahmed Monis made against Dr. Fatouh, accusing him of slander and libel.

First page:

Second page:

Third page: